Pdf azolla pinnata growth performance in different water. A mixture of 20 gms of super phosphate and about 1 kg of cow dung should be added once in 5 days. Pengaruh konsentrasi pupuk azolla pinata terhadap pertumbuhan. Data source and references for azolla pinnata feathered mosquitofern from the usda plants database. Plants often reddish, triangular, with main stem up to 2 3 cm. Surface characterisation, effects of particle size, adsorbent dosage, ph, ionic strength and pretreatments of adsorbent were carried out. Chemical composition and the feeding value of azolla azolla pinnata meal for eggtype chicks o. Azolla pinnata ufifas center for aquatic and invasive plants. Terdapat tujuh spesies yang termasuk dalam genus ini. Azolla pinnata menyediakan tempat berlindung dan hasil fotosintesis bagi anabaena sp.
Suku azollaceae sekarang dianjurkan untuk digabungkan ke dalam suku salviniaceae, berdasarkan kajian morfologi dan molekular dari smith et al. It forms dense surface mats, which degrade water quality by reducing oxygen levels, and can interfere with boating, fishing and recreational activities. Itis taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a general reference source for interested parties. Nitrogen n2 dalam peningkatan produksi tanaman padi oryza. Salviniales azollaceae in the management of lake agro ecosystem. Demonstration unit of the university and then it was dried under the sun. Hosted by the usgs core science analytics and synthesis. Oct 26, 20 bila azolla diberikan secara rutin setiap musim tanam, maka suatu saat tanah yang di beri pupuk azolla tidak memerlukan pupuk buatan lagi. Effect of feeding different levels of azolla pinnata on. Azolla farming step by step and health benefits hubpages. Azolla pinnata can spread rapidly, and has the ability to survive on moist soil in and around rivers, ditches, and ponds.
Azolla pinnata is an evergreen fern at a fast rate. Pemanfaatan tumbuhan azolla azolla pinnata sebagai pupuk. The atlas of florida plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. Azolla will rapidly grow and fill the pit within 1015 days and about 500 gms 600 gms of azolla can be harvested daily thereafter. International journal of poultry science 47, 488492. However, it is not a legal authority for statutory or regulatory purposes. Bila azolla diberikan secara rutin setiap musim tanam, maka suatu saat tanah yang di beri pupuk azolla tidak memerlukan pupuk buatan lagi. Such areas may be seasonally covered by a mat of azolla associated with other freefloating plants such as species of lemna, pistia, salvinia, trapa, wolffia and mud rooting. Azolla pinnata feathered mosquitofern is a small, nonnative, freefloating fern.
Effect of probiotic supplements on egg quality and laying henas performance. Nobanis invasive alien species fact sheet azolla filiculoides author of this species fact sheet. Andreas hussner, heinrichheineuniversitat dusseldorf, abt. Azolla diseases and pests, description, uses, propagation. Duncan test showed that the treatment of azolla pinnata 60%. After drying, it was grounded and stored in the plastic bags until used for feeding. Being aquatic, it is not strictly relevant to a discussion on soils, but, as it has been and still is widely used as a nitrogen fertilizer for wetland rice, it will be mentioned. The purpose of this research was to determine the potention of a.
This research aims to determine the effect of green manure liquid of azolla azolla pinnata on the growth and production of signal grass. The record derives from tropicos data supplied on 20120418 which reports it as an accepted name record 26600073 with. Unbranched, adventitious roots hang down into the water from nodes on the ventral surfaces of the rhizomes. Water fern azolla pinnata duckweed culture 30 grams or 1 ounce bag starter culture of this awesome aussie aquatic species azolla pinnata, red azolla, water fern, duckweed or whatever you want to call it is a fern like native that has been eaten by aborigines of australia for millenia, and is only now finding popularity in asia and european cuisine. Skripsi diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat meraih gelar sarjana sains pada jurusan biologi fakultas sains danteknologi uin alauddun makasar oleh akhmad nur nim. Hubungan ini menyebabkan azolla pinnata dapat tumbuh berkembang secara vegetatif dengan sangat cepat dan mengakumulasi nitrogen dalam jumlah yang sangat besar. It is native to much of africa, asia brunei darussalam, china, india, japan, korea, and the philippines and parts of australia. Karakteristik azolla pinnata sebagai pengganti bahan pembawa pupuk hayati.
Brown with remarks on the fossil history of the hydropterideae. Kiambang azolla pinnatakiambang berasal dari bahasa latin yaitu dari kata, yang merupakan azollaceae tumbuhan paku air yang termasuk ordo, family azollaceae, dan salviniales mempunyai 6 spesies. Penggunaan tepung eceng gondok eichornia crassipes mart dan azolla azolla pinnata brown dalam ransum ternak itik periode pertumbuhan. Aplikasi azolla pinnata dan bakteri endofitik penambat n2. Pengaruh penggunaan dosis kompos azolla pinnata dan pupuk. Pemanfaatan tumbuhan azolla azolla pinnata sebagai pupuk organik cair dan kompos pada pertumbuhan tanaman cabai besar capsicum annum l. Azolla has been used, for at least one thousand years, in rice paddies as a companion plant, because of its ability to both fix nitrogen, and block out light to prevent any competition from other plants, aside from the rice, which is planted when tall enough to poke out of the water through the azolla layer. Duncan test showed that the treatment of azolla pinnata 60%, 80% and 100% of. Azolla pinnata ap, a floating aquatic macrophyte, was studied as a potential adsorbent for the removal of methyl violet mv in a batch adsorption system. It consists of a main rhizome, branching into secondary rhizomes, all of which bear small leaves alternately arranged. Azolla pinnata digunakan sebagai pakan alternatif alami pada ikan nila karena. Effect of feeding different levels of azolla pinnata on blood. Azolla pinnata dan pupuk urea terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman selada lactuca sativa dan dosis pupuk yang paling optimal untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman selada lactuca sativa. The azolla group, which contains only 6 or 7 species, are the smallest ferns in the world.
Technically azolla is a type of aquatic fern and is. The team of scientists, based in japan and the usa, investigated the use of azolla pinnata, as well as pistia striatiotes and salvinia molesta in fuelcontaminated environments. Azolla pinnata, bakteri endofitik penambat n2, acinotebacter sp. Kondisi tersebut harus didukung dengan intensitas cahaya. Pupuk organik yang memiliki nilai kandungan n tinggi yaitu kompos azolla.
Azolla is an unusual fern in being both aquatic and having a nitrogenfixing endophyte figure 1b. Azolla pinnata jurnal produksi tanaman universitas brawijaya. It becomes especially abundant in water with high nutrient levels, such as ponds in cattle paddocks and farm ponds, where it can completely cover the water surface. Ruzpita rumput azolla pinnata sebagai pupuk organik pengikat. Azolla pinnata is one of water ferns and live horizontally free floated on the surface of fresh water. Formulated feed based on aquatic weed azolla and fish meal for rearing medium carp osteobrama belangeri valenciennes. Azolla pinnata spreads rapidly by vegetative growth and can form dense mats, interfering with boating, fishing and swimming. Arditia i 111 11 007, the effect of liquid azolla as green manures on growth and production of signal grass brachiaria decumbens, under the guidance of syamsuddin nompo and budiman nohong. Ramachandra tv, rajasekara murthy c, nhalya, n, eds.
A study on the potential of azolla pinnata as livestock feed supplement. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap ral yang disusun secara faktorial yang terdiri dari dua faktor dan tiga kali ulangan. It can be observed in quiet waters, ponds, ditches, canals and paddy fields. Azolla, azolla pinnata, is an aquatic fern belonging to the plant family azollacea which is grown primarily as a fodder for livestock. The azolla macrophyte, called a frond, ranges from 1 cm to 2. Pdf phytoremediation capability of azolla pinnata for the. Azolla pinnata new zealand plant conservation network. A shallow freshwater pond, similar to the environment found in a taro loi, is the ideal environment. Azolla tumbuh secara alami di asia, amerika, dan eropa. Azolla is a genus of aquatic ferns, mainly found in tropical and warm temperate regions. Azolla pinnata ufifas center for aquatic and invasive. Nobanis invasive alien species fact sheet azolla filiculoides. Azolla mempunyai beberapa spesies, antara lain azolla caroliniana, azolla filiculoides, azolla mexicana, azolla microphylla, azolla nilotica, azolla pinnata var.
Pdf the research objective was to test antimicrobial activity from compound produced by a. If you are into agricultural farming or animal farming, knowledge on azolla and on its production can do wonders to the farming you are into. The available azolla was consisted of two types, i. Effects of feeding diets containing azolla pinnata and. Azolla azolla pinnata as a feed ingredient in broiler ration. In small quantities this enzyme will do no harm to people eating an adequate diet that is rich in vitamin b, though large quantities can cause severe health problems. Azolla pinnata is a free floating aquatic plant typically found in clusters or in large mats bodle 2008. Azolla pinnata tersebut dipengaruhi oleh kondisi perairan kualitas air dan unsur hara yang baik sebagai syarat hidup bagi pertumbuhan azolla pinnata. After 16 weeks the azolla plants had died and were surrounded by bacterial flocs.
Kandungan nitrogen n pada azolla pinnata yang ditumbuhkan. It can grow in full shade deep woodland semishade light woodland or no shade. Soil was contaminated with diesel, flooded and inoculated with azolla. Pengaruh waktu aplikasi dan pemberian berbagai dosis kompos azolla azolla pinnata terhadap pertumbuhan dan. Azolla an alternate and sustainable feed for livestock 1155 8. Azolla wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Journal of the egyptian society of parasitology, 273.
Water fern azolla pinnata duckweed culture fair dinkum seeds. This study using 5 handling with each handling composition control p0, p1 180 mlpot, p2 280 mlpot, p3 380 mlpot, p4 480 mlpot protractedly growth for 40 days. Pdf phytoremediation capability of azolla pinnata for. The side branches are longer at the base of the stem than at. The side branches are longer at the base of the stem than at the top giving the fronds a roughly triangular shape. While every effort has been made to provide the most reliable and uptodate information available, ultimate legal requirements with respect to species are contained in. From the latin pinna feather, in botany pinnatus pinnate refers an arrangement of leaves, veins or branches in rows along a central axis, similar to the structure of a feather. From the greek azo to dry and ollo to kill, killed by dryness pinnata. Jurnal biotaboard, faculty of sains and tecnology, the editors and the advisory. Iyayi department of animal science, faculty of agriculture and forestry, university of ibadan, ibadan, nigeria abstract. Pengaruh penggunaan dosis kompos azolla pinnata dan pupuk urea terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman selada lactuca sativa skripsi oleh. Biochemical and nutritional studies were carried out to evaluate the potential of azolla azolla.
Azolla pinnata endemik ke india adalah potensi hiperakumulator logam berat. Seperempat bagian ini, setara dengan 65 kg pupuk urea. The effectiveness of azolla pinnata in inhibiting the growth of. Data source and references for azolla pinnata feathered. Effect of the plant azolla pinnata on survival, growth rate, fecundity and hatchability of eggmasses of biomphalaria alexandrina snails. Azolla is a small branching plant with a main stem and pinnate side branches.
Azolla pinnata is a species of fern known by several common names, including mosquitofern, feathered mosquitofern and water velvet. International symposium on restoration of lakes and wetlands, 27th to 29th november 2000, indian institute of science, bangalore. Many ferns also contain thiaminase, an enzyme that robs the body of its vitamin b complex. Keeflslefdan nltrolgen darb azolla pinnata dan urea. Page designed through the cooperative efforts of interagency itis teams. Azolla pinnata ap, a common water fern found in rice fields in asia and cultivated for biological nitrogen fixation, was studied as a potential adsorbent for the removal of malachite green in a. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the university of south florida and other herbaria. It can block sunlight from reaching submersed plants and can also. Azolla pinnata water fern, ferny or red azolla pfaf plant. Pdf potential of anabaena azollae extract as antimicrobial agent.
146 118 1244 1123 395 159 80 726 1423 715 455 821 1151 108 1434 1305 122 1343 775 79 823 775 1435 533 1145 420 1558 991 77 169 484 462 243 121 1322 387 1164 136 923 249 1373 612 220 184